The NGOs (Non Government Organisations) also known as NPOs (Non Profit Organisations) encompasses a broad array of organisations, varying in their specific purpose, philosophy, sectoral expertise and scope of activities. In most cases, NGOs operate as non-profit organisations and are required to register with the department of social welfare, to receive the status as non-profit organisation. NGOs are traditionally known as non-profit, voluntary organisations organised on a local, national or international level and independent from government organisations. The main sources of funding of NGOs are local, national or international donations.
NGOs could be classified based on a variety of factors such as – structure, area of operation and service types . In general the following types of NGOs are most prominent –
- International NGOs are typically headquartered in developed countries and carry out operations in developing countries, implement development projects through local partner NGOs. Few international NGOs implement projects by their own human resources.
- National and Regional NGOs of Bangladesh receive fund directly from international NGOs and donor agencies for implementing specific projects.
- Local NGOs in the regional and district level collaborated with larger national and regional NGOs for the implementation of development projects on sub-contract basis. These local NGOs often have few offices in one or two districts.
- Community Based Organisations (CBOs), serve a specific population in a narrow geographical area. CBOs are usually membership organisations whose purpose is to advance the interests of their members. There are many CBOs such as club, community library, community association, women self-help group, neighbourhood welfare association, which have very limited functions and depend on members’ donation.